
Posted Date : 30 Jul 2018





In the field of energy, the Bank Group has a dual objective: i) to support the efforts of African countries to provide all their populations and productive sectors with access to modern, reliable, and affordable energy infrastructure and services; and ii) to help African countries develop a socially, economically, and environmentally viable energy sector.


Adequate access to energy is essential for the continent's social and economic development.


Yet most African countries face inadequate access to modern, reliable, and affordable energy services, particularly for low-income populations.


At the same time, the continent's energy sector needs to evolve rapidly to address local and global environmental concerns, particularly climate change, and significantly reduce dependence on fossil fuels, which are often imported. The African Development Bank is committed to supporting the progressive adoption by African countries of a sustainable, low-carbon growth trajectory.


Key principles guide the Bank's interventions in the energy sector: i) guaranteeing energy security and widening access for all; ii) moving towards clean energy; iii) strengthening governance at national level; iv) innovating to increase financial flows in the energy sector; v) applying the principles of aid effectiveness; vi) promoting environmental and social responsibility; vii) integrating responses to climate change; viii) promoting the dissemination of knowledge; and ix) integrating the gender dimension.


The Bank focuses on the sub-sectors most likely to meet current and future energy demand, while contributing to the development of a sustainable energy sector.


The Bank is also driving important initiatives to scale-up investments in the sector and build resilience:


  • The Desert-to-Power initiative (DtP) aims to accelerate economic development in the Sahel region through the deployment of solar technologies at scale
  • The Sustainable Energy Fund for Africa (SEFA), a multi-donor special fund, providing catalytic finance to unlock private sector investments in renewable energy and energy efficiency.
  • The Africa Energy Market Place : A platform supporting action-oriented policy dialogue between governments, private sector, and partners with aim of enabling sector reforms and fast-tracking projects.
  • The Facility for Energy Inclusion (link is external)investment platform, to improve energy access across Africa through small-scale renewable energy and mini-grid projects.






